¡Viva México! Kadimatón and The Butterfly Project

By Rebeca Besquin, member of The Butterfly Project’s Board of Directors
Every November, Kadimatón, a fundraiser for Kadima (an organization for people with special needs and/or handicapped) takes place at all schools within the Jewish community in Mexico City, to educate thousands of students about disabilities and diversity. Rebeca Besquin has been committed to expanding The Butterfly Project to Mexico for at least 10 years.
In November 2017, The Butterfly Project paired with Kadima to help make an impression on these students by teaching them about the Holocaust; the 1,500,000 children who perished and the dangers of hatred. The impact we made will be reflected throughout future installations of the 6,000 ceramic butterflies painted by Kadima in diverse Mexican institutions.
Kadima also made a generous donation to The Butterfly Project, allowing students to paint a butterfly while giving the same opportunity to those less fortunate. We would like to thank Lily Margolis and Monica Tawill for making this possible.
Here is a video Kadima made of children painting butterflies at Kadimatón 2017:
The following schools and institutions participated in the campaign:
- Colegio Atid
- Colegio Sefaradí
- Merkaz Montessori
- Gan Condesa
- Comunidad Israelita de Guadalajara
- Colegio Tarbut
- Gan Montessori
- Colegio Or Hajayim
- Colegio CIM ORT
- Bet Hayeladim
- Yeshiva Emuna
- Comunidad Israelita de Monterrey
- Colegio Maguen David
- Colegio Yavne
- Or Sameaj
- Alegro Montessori
- Colegio Monte Sinaí
- Mi Espacio Montessori
- CRIT de Tlalnepantla
- Amigos del Down
- Galher
- CAM Huixquilucan
- DIF Huxquilucan
- Centro Iluminando y Editras
- Nutre mis Seuños
- CAM Naucalpan
- Moviendo Causas
- Niños que viven en el Reclusorio de Santa Martha Acatitla con sus mamas