Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance join The Butterfly Project in San Diego
As we witness in one community after another, decency is being cast aside as increased incidents of anti-Jew hatred are becoming a weekly event. We are bombarded by it online, in our schools and communities, and over our freeway bridges and in windows of tall buildings. This hatred directed at Jewish people, includes “justifications” and revivals of old tropes against Jews as devious citizens and increased vitriol towards the State of Israel. Could this behavior once again become normalized? This terrifying potential of unchecked hatred, demands that we must do more and educate about this history repeatedly. What else can we do to increase accurate understanding of this history, how can we ensure that the lessons learned from the Holocaust prevent further atrocities?
We must continue to educate AND we must look for unique ways to amplify the importance and make it easier to become an upstanders in an increasingly harsh world.
Take a moment and consider all you can do to stand up for others and demonstrate the power of one person making a difference. Consider joining together with others in as many ways as you can…some might be quite unexpected as you can see below!
Take a look at this video above and see this group of individual motorcyclists in separate cities that came together, 65 individuals acting in unison as UPSTANDERS through their international group, the Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance (JMA) They took a stand for many months and years to support the work of The Butterfly Project. They reached out as upstanders to their communities to bring attention and much needed funds to help us increase our reach into schools around the country.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead
Upstanders lift our hopes when we lose faith in humanity. Powerful moments when Holocaust survivors witness upstanders!

Thank you to the JMA for bringing much needed support for our work and for inspiring us beyond measure. We never want to turn away any teacher that asks for scholarships so they can participate fully in our program. We work together to empower more young people to become upstanders for justice.
Please feel free to share this post and video so that we remind everyone that one person can truly make a difference and together we are making a difference one butterfly at a time.